Community Solar allows for multiple households, buildings, or businesses to share a single solar array. Participating customers could individually purchase shares of the larger community solar array, and each month they would receive a credit on their power bill equal to the shares of the energy generated.
Right now, Montanans don’t have the freedom to choose the energy they want because they are burdened with twentieth century regulations for a twenty-first century technology. Current state regulations prevent us from accessing low cost energy that could help ease energy costs for Montanans all across the state. Community solar would provide a remedy for that. It would be available to everyone including businesses, homeowners, and renters. We all deserve the freedom to choose low cost energy, and enabling community solar in Montana makes that freedom possible!
Key Points:
- Community solar is a tried and tested program. Community solar is already enabled in 21 states, plus Washington, DC. Nine rural electric co-ops in Montana already enjoy the benefit of community solar – each of which see incredible demand for subscriptions.
- Community solar is 100% voluntary. This program is fully voluntary on the part of the utilities and the energy customers. Montana’s utilities can choose whether or not to operate a community solar project, and customers can choose whether or not they would like to participate.
- Customers can choose how large a share they want to purchase. As an example, if a customer decides to purchase a 15% share of a local community solar project, their energy bill at the end of the month would reflect a credit equal to 15% of the energy generated from the project.
- Utilities, non-profits, and for-profit businesses can operate community solar facilities. In addition to Montana utilities being able to build and run a community solar program, Montana community solar would enable private and public partnerships, non-profits, or for-profit businesses to build community solar facilities, sign up subscribers, and connect those community solar facilities to the utility grid.
Community solar is accessible to all. Many Montanans don’t have the means to install their own rooftop solar array. Community solar allows those who rent or who don’t have a roof suitable for solar the freedom to access this cost-saving program.
Click here for answers to the most frequently asked questions about Community Solar.